
    Namespace: SynicSugar.TitleStorage


    Download and load data from EOS title storage.
    *This API is under test and I'm considering what the API should be. So, this will be changed in the future version. *If you use this, (I use TitleStorage in this way now)

    1. Build a file(.bundle) as AssetBundle.
    2. Upload the AssetBundle to EPIC title storage with EncriptionKey in EOS plugin's Client Credentials.
    3. Build Game and delete 2 AssetBundle from APPNAME_Data/StreamingAssets/aa/PLATFORM/ASSETBUNDLENAME from build.
    4. call LoadFromAssetBundle(Uploaded Path) in runtime.
      In the future, I will implement the proprietary code to build and read as Addressables.


    ProgressInfoEvent to display progress on GUI.


    QueryFileListQuery the file List from backend
    FetchFileWhen there is not target in local, Download it from EOS server
    FetchFilesWhen there is not target in local, Download it from EOS server
    DeleteCacheClear previously cached file data
    LoadFromAssetBundleLoad file with Addressable
    ReleaseAddressablesDestroy all used Addressable resources
    using SynicSugar.TitleStorage;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UI;
    public class TitleStorageSample : MonoBehaviour {
        [SerializeField] Text currentProgress;
        [SerializeField] Image logo;
        async void Start() {
            logo.sprite = await EOSTitleStorage.LoadFromAssetBundle<Sprite>("TestLogo");
        void OnDestory() {
        public void DisplayCurrentProgress(string currentFileName, float progress){
            currentProgress.text = $"{currentFileName}: {progress}%";