
    Namespace: SynicSugar.RTC

    public async UniTask<Result> UpdateReceiveingVolumeFromTarget(UserId targetId, float volume)


    Change the output volume on this session.
    If targetId is null, effect to all remote users.
    Range 0.0 - 100. 50 means that the audio volume is not modified its source value. 100 makes volume double.

    using SynicSugar.RTC;
    using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class VCSample : MonoBehaviour {
        public async UniTaskVoid Start(){
            await RTCManager.Instance.UpdateReceiveingVolumeFromTarget(null, 0f);
            RTCManager.Instance.UpdateReceiveingVolumeFromTarget(null, 100f).Forget();