
    Namespace: SynicSugar.P2P

    This is used like p2pConfig.Instance.XXX().


    This is config class for p2p.

    This script is Mono's Singleton attached to NetworkManager. To generate NetworkManager, right-click on the Hierarchy and click SynicSugar/NetworkManager.
    NetworkManager has DontDestroy, so ConnectManager will not be destroyed by scene transitions.

    If this is no longer needed, we call CancelCurrentMatchMake, ConnectHub.Instance.CloseSession(CancellationTokenSource) or ConnectHub.Instance.ExitSession(CancellationTokenSource).


    packetReliabilityThe delivery reliability of a packet
    AllowDelayedDeliveryWhether users that no connection with local user receives or discards this local user's packet.
    UseDisconnectedEarlyNotifyNotify at the step of a connection interrupted
    RPCBatchSizeFrequency of sending RPC in a frame
    LargePacketBatchSizeFrequency of sending LargePacket(Target)RPC in a frame
    SynicReceiverBatchSizeFrequency of getting (Synic) packet
    autoSyncIntervalSending new value interval of SyncVar
    AutoRefreshPingIf true, update ping automatically
    SamplesPerPingNumber of samples used for a ping
    PingAutoRefreshRateSecInterval sec to update ping automatically
    relayControlThe way to connection


    SetRelayControlChange the way to connection
    GetNetworkCoreGet instance to manage connection script
    using SynicSugar.P2P;
    public class p2pConfigManager {
        void Setp2pConfig(){
            p2pConfig.Instance.interval_sendToAll = 10;