Namespace: SynicSugar.MatchMake
Class: MatchMakeManager
public MatchMakingGUIEvents MatchMakingGUIEvents
To manage GUI state in matchmaking. Invoke these on each phase.
Can set some value on UnityEditor.
To use TextMeshPro, set SYNICSUGAR_TMP to Scripting Define Symbols.
API | description |
canKick | True after meet required member counts |
stateText | UI Text or TMP_Text to display matchmaking state |
API | description |
DisableStart | Invoked when start matchmaking |
EnableCancelKick | Invoked when join and create lobby |
EnableHostConclude | Invoked when filled in the minimum number of members |
DisableHostConclude | Invoked when members leave and condition is no longer met |
DisableCancelKickConclude | Invoked when complete or cancel matchmaking |
OnLobbyMemberCountChanged<UserId, bool> | Invoked when the number of participants are changed |
For Text
API | description |
StartMatchmaking | Searching or creating lobby |
WaitForOpponents | Waiting for others in Lobby |
FinishMatchmaking | After finish matchmaking, start to exchange info for p2p |
ReadyForConnection | MatchMaking has completed and ready for p2p |
TryToCancel | Leaving or destroying lobby |
StartReconnection | Try to join with SavedLobbyID |
using SynicSugar.MatchMake;
public class MatchMakeConfig {
public enum Langugage{
public static MatchMakingGUIEvents SetMatchingText(Langugage langugage){
MatchMakingGUIEvents descriptions = new();
case Langugage.JA:
descriptions.StartMatchmaking = "マッチングを検索中";
descriptions.WaitForOpponents = "対戦相手を探しています";
descriptions.FinishMatchmaking = "接続準備中・・・";
descriptions.ReadyForConnection = "接続準備完了";
descriptions.TryToCancel = "マッチングキャンセル中・・・";
descriptions.StartReconnection = "再接続しています";
descriptions.StartMatchmaking = "Searching for lobby.";
descriptions.WaitForOpponents = "Waiting for opponents...";
descriptions.FinishMatchmaking = "Preparetion for Connection";
descriptions.ReadyForConnection = "Finish Matchmaking";
descriptions.TryToCancel = "Try to Disconnect...";
descriptions.StartReconnection = "Try to reconnection...";
return descriptions;