Namespace: SynicSugar.MatchMake
This is used like MatchMakeManager.Instance.XXX().
This script is Mono's Singleton attached to NetworkManager. To generate NetworkManager, right-click on the Hierarchy and click SynicSugar/NetworkManager.
NetworkManager has DontDestroy, so NetworkManager will not be destroyed by scene transitions. This is used for re-connection, and also needed for p2p scene.
If this is no longer needed, we call CancelCurrentMatchMake, ExitSession and CloseSession.
API | description |
IsMatchmaking | Whether the user is in matchmaking |
maxSearchResult | The amount of search results |
timeoutSec | Timeout seconds for user to exit no-filled lobby |
p2pSetupTimeoutSec | Timeout sec for prep init connection |
enableHostmigrationInMatchmaking | If true, pass host authority to others when local user leave the lobby |
BasicInfoPacketCompressionLevel | The quality level of BrotliCompressor for compressing the BasicInfo |
sessionTimestampFileName | The file name to save the session start time |
lobbyIdSaveType | The way to return to the disconnected lobby |
playerprefsSaveKey | The key to save LobbyID |
customSaveLobbyID | UnityEvent to save LobbyID |
customDeleteLobbyID | UnityEvent to delete LobbyID |
lobbyIDMethod | Actions to recconect Lobby |
asyncLobbyIDMethod | Func<UniTask> to recconect Lobby |
MatchMakingGUIEvents | To manage GUI in matchmaking |
MemberUpdatedNotifier | Notify when a user attributes is updated |
isLooking | This local user is waiting for opponents? |
isConcluding | This local user is preparing for p2p connection? |
timeUntilTimeout | Sec until stopping the process to wait for opponents |
isHost | Whether this local user is the owner of current Lobby |
API | description |
SetTimeoutSec | Set timeout of matchmake and prep conenction |
SearchAndCreateLobby | Search lobby and, if can't join, create lobby |
SearchLobby | Search lobby and join it as Guest |
CreateLobby | Create lobby as Host and wait for Guest |
ConcludeMatchMake | Host finishes a matchmaking by hand |
ReconnectLobby | Join the Lobby with saved LobbyID |
ExitCurrentMatchMake | Stop the current matchmaking |
CloseCurrentMatchMake | (Host) destroys lobby to stop the matchmaking |
KickTargetFromLobby | (Host) kicks target from Lobby |
CreateOfflineLobby | Create fake-lobby as Host for tutorial |
GetCurrentLobbyID | Get LobbyID that a user participating |
GetReconnectLobbyID | Get LobbyID by Playerprefs |
GetCurrentLobbyMemberCount | Get the current member count in Lobby |
GetMaxLobbyMemberCount | Get the current lobby's member limit |
GenerateLobbyObject | Generate a lobby object for conditions |
GetTargetAttributeData | Get attribute(s) of a member |
isLocalUserId | Whether the argument is the id of local user or not |
using SynicSugar.MatchMake;
public class MatchMake {
void SetMatchMakeCondition(){
string LobbyID = MatchMakeManager.Instance.GetReconnectLobbyID();