
    Namespace: SynicSugar.MatchMake
    Class: MatchMakeManager

    public async UniTask<bool> KickTargetFromLobby(UserId targetId, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))


    Host kicks a specific target from Lobby. Only one tareget can be kicked at a time.

    This is valid only when we pass minLobbyMember to MatchMakingGUIEvents, SearchLobby, CreateLobby.
    We can display the GUI Button to invoke this with MatchMakingGUIEvents.

    using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
    using SynicSugar.MatchMake;
    using SynicSugar.P2P;
    public class MatchMakeSample {
        public async UniTask KickMember(UserId target){
            await MatchMakeManager.Instance.KickTargetFromLobby(target);